Embracing Simplicity: The Advantages of One-Level Living in a Vibrant Community
In a world that often seems to revolve around constant hustle and bustle, the allure of a simplified lifestyle has never been stronger. One-level living, often referred to as single-story living, offers an array of advantages that cater to individuals seeking...
Position Your Home to Maximize Solar Benefits
One of the most effective green building techniques is also one of the least expensive. Positioning a home to take advantage of passive solar techniques increases the energy efficiency of a home, making it more comfortable to occupy. Just by properly placing the...
Improve Indoor Air Quality by Reducing “Stack Effect”
What Is Stack Effect? The “Stack Effect” occurs when warm air rises through air leaks between a home’s upper floor and attic, and draws outside air into the home through leaks between the floor and crawlspace or basement. This happens in summer and winter and is...
Benefits of a Tankless Water Heater
Heating water accounts for up to 30% of the average home's energy budget. Tankless water heaters provide hot water only as needed. Therefore, they avoid the standby heat losses associated with storage water heaters and can be up to 40% more efficient than traditional...